Properties table of Stainless steel, Metals and other Conductive materials
Electrical or thermal condutivity, resistivity, density and melting point TIBTECH Electrical conductivity (10.E6 Siemens/m) Electrical resistivity (10.E-8 Ohm.m) Thermal Conductivity (W/m.k) Thermal expansion coef. 10E-6(k-1) from 0 to 100°C Density (g/cm3) Melting point or degradation (°C) Silver 62,1 1,6 420 19,1 10,5 961 copper 58,5 1,7 401 17 8,9 1083 Gold 44,2 2,3 317 14,1 19,4 1064 Aluminium 36,9 2,7 237 23,5 2,7 660 Molybden 18,7 5,34 138 4,8 10,2 2623 Zinc 16,6 6,0 116 31 7,1 ...